The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a dedicated database for brokers and agents to input listings for sale. The MLS allows agents to cooperate among themselves and serves as an engine to market their listings properly. All the data obtained from agents / brokers are also exported to different websites for the general consumer to view.

It is important that all agents / brokers comply with the MLS Rules and Regulations so we can maintain the reliability and integrity of the data in the MLS, which is the most valuable tool available for Real Estate Agents. The MLS Data is the driving force that helps agents sell their properties in a fast and effective manner. The MLS data is also utilized to form comps, which helps attracts prospective clients to conduct business/transactions with Real Estate Agents. It is also described in the Code of Ethics that Real Estate Agents must comply at all times with the MLS Rules and Regulations to conserve the highest standards in the industry.

Contact CRMLS Support

Call: (800) 925-1525

Support Hours

Mon – Fri:   8:30am – 9pm
Sat & Sun:   10am – 3pm

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