Resources For Those Impacted By The Southern California Wildfires

As our region faces unparalleled devastation and destruction from fires burning throughout Southern California, please make note of the following resources available to you, neighbors and all our communities impacted. REALTORS® have always and will continue to stand ready to assist our neighbors and local communities that have been impacted by such natural disasters. Established in the wake of the devastating 2003 California wildfires, the C.A.R. Disaster Relief Fund provides grants for REALTORS®, employees of REALTORS® and association staff.

Housing / Shelter

211 LA is partnering with to offer free temporary shelter for people displaced from their homes by fire. Start by filling out this Form.
The local hotel association is maintaining a list of hotels with available space in and around Los Angeles and to what extent they are providing discounts for fire victims and evacuees. More Information
The YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles is opening its locations as available. More Information

Transportation / Services / Supplies

Rideshare services Lyft and Uber are offering vouchers to help people get to/from shelters. More Information
Greater Los Angeles U-Haul® is offering 30-days of self-storage and U-box rentals for free to affected families and 92 facilities are participating in L.A. and Orange Counties and throughout the Inland Empire. More Information
AT&T and T-Mobile are offering certain unlimited talk, text and data options for customers in cities and certain zip codes affecting by the fires.
Certain Planet Fitness locations are offering access to their facilities. More Information

Medical Aid

Health Net is also providing specialized help to affected members and partners. More Information

Resources Links

Los Angeles County Emergency Management. More Information
Mutual Aid LA Network Available Resources. More Information
C.A.R. Disaster Relief for REALTORS® Webpage. More Information
U.S. Federal Government Disaster Assistance. More Information
Watch Duty App

Disaster Relief Fund

C.A.R. has a Disaster Relief Fund that is specifically for REALTOR® Members, if you are in need of assistance or know of a REALTOR® that is in need of assistance, here is the link to apply for funds. More Information
The NAR REALTOR® Relief Fund will have funds available the general public to apply for funds, that link is currently in process of being set up and will be administered by the California Association of REALTORS®. PWR will share that link as soon as it is available.

To Donate

To make a tax-deductible donation, please make payable to the California Community Foundation and write "C.A.R. Disaster Relief Fund" on the "memo" line. Send checks to the California Community Foundation, 221 S. Figueroa St., Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90012. For questions, please contact or call (213) 739-8327.
To donate to the California Disaster Fund Click Here
To donate to the REALTOR® Relief Fund Click Here

Property Relief For Properties Impacted By A Disaster

Property Relief Impacted by a Disaster

The Los Angeles County Assessor's Office is committed to providing assistance to property owners affected by a disaster such as an earthquake, landslide, or fire. If your property has been damaged or its market value has declined due to an event, you may qualify for property tax relief.

The Los Angeles County Assessor's Office is committed to providing assistance to property owners affected by a disaster such as an earthquake, landslide, or fire. If your property has been damaged or its market value has declined due to an event, you may qualify for property tax relief through one of the following programs:

Decline-in-Value Review (Form RP-87)

If the current market value of your property is less than its assessed value as of January 1, you may file an application for a Decline-in-Value Review. The filing period for the annual Decline-in-Value Review is from July 2 through November 30.

Important Note: If the final filing date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, applications postmarked on the next business day will be accepted as timely filed.

Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune and Calamity

If your property has been damaged or destroyed by a calamity, such as an earthquake, landslide, or fire, and the loss exceeds $10,000 in current market value, you may qualify for reassessment. To be eligible, property owners must file Form ADS-820 with our office within 12 months from the date the damage or when destruction occurred.

Key details to the M&C tax relief program:

To qualify, the damage must exceed $10,000, and a claim form must be filed with our office within 12 months of the damage. Once filed, we will investigate and verify the claim, determine the cost to cure, and reduce the assessed value effective the date the damage occurred. This reduction remains in place until the property is repaired, rebuilt, or undergoes a change in ownership. The filing of this claim also facilitates coordination with the Treasurer and Tax Collector, allowing taxpayers who pay property taxes directly, not through an impound account with a mortgage lender, to defer their current year property taxes without incurring penalties.

We are working closely with our County partners to identify impacted properties and will assist homeowners and businesses through every step of this process. For all claims, we aim to process them as soon as possible.

Once the tax roll is updated, the Auditor-Controller will recalculate the taxes. If you are due a refund, it will be issued, or if taxes remain owed, an adjusted bill with new due dates will be sent.

Jeff Prang's office can be reached at or call us at (213) 974-3211.

The direct link to our disaster page is:


Disaster Relief:

Fact Sheet - Relief For Properties Impacted By A Disaster
Rev. 01/13/2025